Although the topic of sexuality is slowly being talked about, the subject of sexual hygiene remains very discreet. We rarely discuss good practices for having top sexual health, whether physically or mentally. With this article, we have decided to make up for this lack. Nowadays, talking openly about intimate and sexual hygiene is still a somewhat embarrassing subject, even with our loved ones and friends, although it is not taboo. But today, we are breaking the rules and have decided to dedicate an article to this subject so that we can talk about it freely. So welcome! We are going to talk to you about the importance of having good sexual hygiene, both for physical and emotional health. In addition, we are going to provide you with practical information and advice to help you take care of your sexual health responsibly. So, whether you are looking for advice on STI prevention, contraception, consent or communication in relationships, we have gathered all of this information in this article to best guide you towards a healthy and fulfilling sex life.

What is intimate and sexual hygiene?

The intimate hygiene routine is considered essential for women. As presented in the survey conducted for Mylan among 1,003 women aged 18 to 60 , 84% rank it in fourth place after showering, brushing teeth and hair care. This survey proves that intimate hygiene is deeply rooted in women's daily lives, with positive effects on their well-being.

However, despite the importance of the subject, intimate hygiene remains a taboo subject to this day, for 53% of the women surveyed, especially among the youngest. It is therefore very important and alarming that health professionals as well as parents break these taboos and can speak freely about this subject.

When it comes to the products used, the survey reveals that most women opt for specific intimate hygiene products, but a large majority also use non-specific products. This shows a diversity in women's choices when it comes to intimate hygiene products. 🧼

Moreover, sexual hygiene begins with a key element: cleanliness.

It is important that the environment in which you want to relax is clean and healthy to minimize the risks of transmitting bodily fluids and developing infections, such as: urinary tract infections, especially if you use vibrators or toys, that would be silly! 🤒

As you have seen previously, intimate and sexual hygiene plays an essential role in women's lives. It is therefore essential to talk about it freely and promote better management of this subject.

Exploring STIs

Transmission of STIs: focus on women

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), formerly called Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or venereal diseases, are infections that are caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites during unprotected sexual intercourse.

These STIs have repercussions on health, on sex life , on fertility and frequently on the unborn child when they occur during pregnancy . But they also have enormous consequences on the mental level, and more specifically on self-esteem. Indeed, social stigma and the fear of judgment both contribute to deteriorating your perception of yourself. Yes, you have an STI, but you are like everyone else, a strong and wonderful person! So don't forget it, and as your mother would say: the others don't care!

It is important to know that STIs include sharing bodily fluids, such as:

  • The languorous kisses
  • Oral sex
  • Unprotected sex
  • Rimming / rimming
  • Sharing sex toys such as vibrators (be careful, we don't lend Coco, it's your toy!)
  • Or even skin-to-skin contact

So, to help you avoid these STIs, here is a list of the three most common infections in women:

On the one hand, bacterial sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and mycoplasma infection are common worldwide, affecting an estimated 374 million people worldwide in 2020. When diagnosed, they can be cured.

Then, parasitic sexually transmitted diseases such as trichomoniasis which affects approximately 156 million people in 2020 , these people must be treated with antiparasitic drugs ;

Finally, many viral diseases, such as hepatitis B , genital herpes , HIV or even the human papillomavirus , are difficult or impossible to cure , depending on the type of virus.

Misconceptions about STIs

- It is important to talk about this subject which, despite the years, is still considered taboo.

- Today, many people still think that they are not at risk of catching a sexually transmitted infection ( STI ) if they have not had many sexual partners . But this preconceived idea is completely false.

- Indeed, even if you have had few partners during your sex games, you can still catch an STI. It only takes one person , one unprotected intercourse with an infected person to contract an STI. So be careful🚨

Many people think that after catching an STI , you immediately get sick with lots of easy-to-recognize symptoms , as if it were obvious! But no, it's not true. That's exactly the danger of STIs , some don't show any symptoms at all, or just mild symptoms that go unnoticed. That's why it's important to get tested regularly , and even if you don't feel any symptoms, at least you'll be sure that you don't have a problem and that you're in good health!

By understanding this information and putting it into practice, we can better prepare and protect ourselves from all these diseases. On your side, it is important that you take care of your partner's good sexual health. Taking care of our sexual health is essential.

Family planning and contraception

In March 1956, the French Family Planning Movement ( MFPF ) was founded by Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weill-Hallé and Évelyne Sullerot with the aim of promoting a more egalitarian and inclusive society . Since its inception, the MFPF has fought for contraception as an alternative to abortion , demanding that it be supervised by specialized doctors. However, internal disagreements , particularly over contraceptive education and the legalization of abortion, led to Weill-Hallé's departure in 1966. Family planning, which it promotes, aims to allow families to choose when to have children, thus helping to regulate births. Since 1967 , contraception has been available in France , offering individuals the opportunity to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

But why are you talking about both at the same time? Planned Parenthood offers a safe and confidential space to discuss topics related to sexuality, including contraception. There, you can get advice from professionals. This safe place allows individuals to ask questions and get answers without judgment or pressure. This can be especially beneficial for those who live in environments where conversations about sexuality are limited or discouraged.

Hygiene and healthy relationships?

Everyone knows that on Friday, anything goes! But not so fast, anything goes as long as you don't do just anything. And yes, it is essential to take care of your health, especially when you are considering having an intimate relationship with someone, whether it's for one night or for life.

Sexual hygiene goes beyond just preventing diseases. It is a sign of respect for your partner. By taking care of your personal hygiene, you show your partner that you care about their health and well-being as much as you do your own. Therefore, it creates an environment of trust.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, open communication about your past sexual practices as well as your medical history is essential and important. Talk freely and openly about your sexual history and your sexual health concerns, you may be able to reassure yourself with your +1. Just being able to talk about this topic will allow you to have complete trust in your partner.

It’s also important to discuss testing when you meet a new partner. Finding the right time or way to bring up this topic can sometimes be difficult in some relationships, but just go for it, it’s important and it keeps you from taking risks! 🗣️

Some ideas for care before, during and after

Setting the Stage: Hygiene Before Sex

Before diving in at the deep end and having fun, it's best for both you and your partner to take a few precautions to ensure you have a great time.🔥

It is important to note that only a third of women and a quarter of men consider it essential to wash their intimate parts before having sex. So yes, washing their intimate parts before making love is not essential or obligatory, however it allows you to feel more comfortable with your partner. If you want to integrate intimate care and hygiene into your sex life, If you want to integrate intimate hygiene into your "sex life", we advise you to wash yourself with a specific cleanser, which respects the PH of your intimate areas or intimate wipes, and water, but above all no pressure, it is above all a light wash so, take it easy!

During the action: Maintain hygiene during sex

When you’re immersed in hot and passionate sex, it’s understandable that hygiene is the least of your concerns. First of all, condoms are essential. Not only are they effective in preventing the transmission of STIs, but they can also reduce the risk of irritation and infection by protecting the genitals from bodily fluids and other pathogens. Secondly, try to avoid using irritating products on intimate areas such as perfumed soaps or intimate sprays as much as possible, as they can disrupt the natural balance of vaginal flora and lead to irritation or infection. Instead, opt for gentle and non-irritating products to maintain optimal hygiene.

Post-Sex: Hygiene After Sex

After a hot and steamy session of lovemaking, it's important to follow a few simple steps to take care of yourself.

First, it is essential to wash your genitals with lukewarm water or a mild intimate cleanser to remove any remaining lubricant and bodily fluids.🚿

Then, it is recommended to drink water to stay well hydrated.💧

Additionally, if skin irritation occurs during sex, applying a soothing cream can help calm the skin.🧴

Finally, communication with your partner is essential. It is essential to discuss what you liked or did not like and to share your concerns or needs so that everyone feels comfortable and listened to.💬

As you can see, sex is great, but it's important to remember that paying attention to aftercare is essential, not only for the well-being of your partner, but also and above all for your own physical and mental well-being. In addition, taking care of yourself after an intimate relationship helps to strengthen emotional bonds and foster a deeper connection between partners. If you want to know more about this practice, we suggest you read the article What is aftercare? Taking care of others and yourself after love.

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