Staycation x Powerful

Staycation and Puissante combine for a dream night.

A night in a cocoon with Coco.

  • We have the immense pleasure of collaborating with Staycation and the Amoi Paris 10è hotel to offer you a magical experience.

    Staycation is a service that offers hotel nights to be booked at the last minute but in exceptional spots. The hotels are each more beautiful than the other and it's not just in Paris ;)

    And because it's often difficult to take time for yourself and block out a moment in our busy weeks, we thought it was the right opportunity.

    A good opportunity to put yourself first.
    To think about yourself before everything else!

    So we offer you one or more nights in these exceptional places:
    Amoi Hotel
    Hotel Villa du Taur
    Hotel Le Balmoral
    Hotel du Port
    Hotel le Moxy
    Hotel M-Treize
    To find yourself in peace. Read, geek, meditate, touch…
    In short, being outside of time for 24 hours isn't bad, right? :)

Own your pleasure


Let's stay in touch for lots of juicy anecdotes.